San Ramon Real Estate: Housing sales are expected to remain at 5 Million.

March 4, 2008

San Ramon CA,

The San Ramon Real Estate Market is showing signs of improvement.  We are seeing sales activity pick up.  Several factors are in effect right now.  Raising the conforming loan limits has helped greatly.  The new loan limit is going to be $729,500 for California.  So why is this important? The answer is when the Department of Housing raises this loan limit, it allows Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to be able sell these loans as securities on Wall Street.  What makes these securities attractive is that these loans are backed and insured by the US Government.  In addition we can now use FHA financing in our area again.  Once FHA financing starts working we will turn the corner on this market that started back in 2005.  In 2008 the total housing sales is expected to be around 4.9 Million which is less than the peak of 2005 which was around 6 Million. 

Bottom line what should you if can buy but aren’t sure if the bottom of the market is here or not.  The answer is buy now since most others are selling out of necessity. We are seeing homes that sold for $867 thousand in 2006 are now on sale for $725 thousand.  So it definitely a great time to buy.

To Your Success,

 Sam Parwiz


San Ramon Real Estate Why waiting can cost you money!

March 3, 2008

San Ramon Real Estate has never been better because you can get some of the best deals in recent memory.  Let’s face it we are in a recession but, that’s extactly why you should buy now because interest rates are low and selection is great.  You don’t have to out bid anyone and better yet get some great terms too.  Once interest rates go up and they will quickly becuase of inflationary pressure you can kiss goodbye this window of oppertunity.  So, if you are ready you should take advantage of these great times. 

 Sam & Mary 925-219-5144

Premier Realtors Team

J. Rockcliff Realtors