Bailout and what it means? Fedral Reserve Good or Bad.

January 7, 2009

Danville-CA- Hello a recent comment on my blog about how the Federal Reserve is a fake and just out get the American people is wrong in my opinion.   The problem is not with the Federal Reserve  it is with the fundamentals of our economy.   We are a nation based on debt and until we save more money to pay for things with cash we will always be at the mercy of market fluctuations and turbulence.  The United States is still the greatest country on earth but not for long.  It is just a natural business cycle (evolution) like when we have forest fires.  After the devastation there is room for new growth.  It is the same for the US we had great growth spurt after World War II and maybe for more years to come but it can not last for ever.  The great economic power houses through out history of all come and gone. (Egypt, Persian, Greek, Roman, Turk, Spain, France, England, Germany and now through US & Japan).  The new rising stars are going to be China and India.  Fact is you can not have indefinite growth.  Getting back to the Federal Reserve they are doing the best they can to manage a situation out their control.  While I can understand the frustration, when the dust settles, we will look back and be greatful for what the Federal Reserve did.  I heard a great comment from someone on CNBC that recessions are like having a baby, while your going throught it’s very painful but once it’s over, you a happy family.  In a couple of years we too will be a happy family.  This country will remain strong as long as we stay resliant &inovative and lead rather than retreat.  

To Your Success,

Sam Parwiz