President Bush spoke today to New York Commerce Club…

Danville, CA — President Bush acknowledged the challenges that lie a head for the US Markets which are sharply down due to the mortgage melt down.  Investor are worried and don’t want to buy these securities anymore.  We have lost our creditability to the rest of the world.  One way to alleviate this, Mr. Bush said, is to have states issue tax free bonds and re-write the notes on exiting loans to help homeowners stay in the their homes. 

 It is a great idea and should help ease the credit crunch.  Mr. Bush also mentioned that he doesn’t feel there should be a bail out like the Savings and Loans Industry in late 1980’s.  He feel its better to have the markets sort this out.  Mr. Bush said they, in Washington, have to be careful not to over compensate with harsh regulation. 

 For home owners who are in trouble the White House is prepared to help with “Project Lifeline” and “Hope Now” to help with the rising tide of foreclosures.

Hope NowAlliance  will freeze rising rates on adjustable rate mortgages and Lifeline will with extending foreclosure dates to work out a solution for homeowners.  For assistance San Ramon and Danville residents should contact the number below.

 The nationwide hotline (888-995-HOPE).

 To Your Sucess,

 Sam and Mary


Premier Realtors Team

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